We just took our first trip away from home as a family of four - I feel like we deserve a pat on the back because traveling with an infant and a toddler is no easy task! My mom has always told me that once you have more than one kid, packing for a weekend is as hard or harder than packing for a week. You still need all of the same things and then have to turn around and unpack two - three days later! It's a lot of work! BUT....it was worth it! We went to Lake Lure, NC which our good friends Corey, Claire, and baby Sadie. We had a fun weekend catching up and getting to meet each other's babies. Lake Lure is in the mountains about 2 hours from us. We rented a house up on top of a mountain with a gorgeous view. We ventured out a couple of times to eat and also explored the amenities at the Rumbling Bald Resort. Here we let Jackson play on the beach and swim in the pool. Other than that we mostly hung around the house since that was the easiest thing to do with three babies and it was a pretty long drive to most things. The girls enjoyed a little play time together when they weren't napping. Sadly, Annie and Cooper (our labs), were unable to make the trip this time - but it was probably for the better! Here are a few pictures of our weekend together:
This is what the trunk now looks like for a 2-3 day trip. So. Much. Stuff....
View from the deck of the house we rented.
Sunset picture.
Family pic...right after Livi spit up everywhere! ha
And the Mullen's adorable family picture. Check out Sadie's sweet smile!
Dinner outside...we were a little nervous about eating in this tiny little house/restaurant with all the babies (mostly Jackson - haha) so we moved ourselves out to the picnic table. It was obvious no one ever ate at the table. It was incredibly dirty and on a huge slope, but we were more comfortable outside where we could make as much noise as we liked!
Jackson in the giant rocking chair.
Now with mommy and daddy.
The babes....enjoying a little tummy time. Sadie showing off! haha Boy, what a difference 6 weeks makes!
First of many, many weekend together I hope. Love this precious girls!
And now the big girls enjoying a little girl chat....view out of windows.
We went down to the lake for an afternoon and J-man enjoyed playing on the beach.
The dads enjoying a beer at the kiddy pool!
That smile...
Walking the beach with daddy. :)
Lake Lure
The ladies on the beach.... :)
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